Monday, 15 December 2014

3.7.3 Pre-reading for Social Class & Region

1. What are the 4 stereotypes of Social Class?

Categorise the characters from the clips you have been given by class and analyse their behaviour/characteristics

2. What are the factors that affect your class?

3. Which class offers us the dominant point of view in Media (ie what is it normal to be, whose perspective?)

4. What characteristics do we associate which which class?

- eccentric
- hard-working
- loyal and community
- natural, honest and down to earth
- comfortable
- pretentious
- austere and stiff upper lip
- sophisticated & well bred
- violent and criminal
- dirty and uncouth
- boring and sheltered

5. Why is power and status important - how would you expect to see the following techniques used:
Camera Angles
Close ups
Long Shots
Pace of editing
Use of cuts or transitions?
Motivated cut
Shot reverse shot

Give examples of how this would reveal class.

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